Month: nóvember 2024

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): The key to trust and security in global supply chains

29 nóvember 2024

Imagine this: You are a manufacturing company sourcing critical components from an international supplier. All the paperwork seems correct, and business is running smoothly – until suddenly, a fraud scandal comes to light, and your supplier disappears. The consequences? Massive losses that could have been avoided. This scenario may seem drastic, but it is true […]

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From scepticism to stability: How LEIs can strengthen the UK financial system

26 nóvember 2024

The UK financial market faces a crucial question: How can it reap the benefits of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) without reverting to old prejudices against centralised identification systems? While resistance to national ID cards is deeply rooted, the LEI offers new opportunities to revolutionise transparency, efficiency, and security in the financial sector. Historical context: […]

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The future of the LEI: transparency and trust in the global economy

20 nóvember 2024

Towards a more secure and transparent global digital economy Digital transformation is revolutionising companies, industries, and markets worldwide. At the same time, the need for trust and transparency is becoming ever clearer—especially in an increasingly globalised economy. In this context, the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) plays a crucial role: it creates a standardised, reliable basis […]

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The rise of the LEI: Why the Legal Entity Identifier is becoming increasingly important for companies

13 nóvember 2024

What is the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)? The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20-digit alphanumeric code based on the ISO 17442 standard developed by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). This code is permanently linked to important reference information that enables the unique identification of legal entities involved in official transactions. Each LEI contains […]

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From India to Australia: Why the Legal Entity Identifier is gaining in importance

5 nóvember 2024

The demand for the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is growing worldwide, especially in Asia. The driving force behind this growth is regulatory requirements, which increasingly encourage the introduction and use of the LEI. LEI: A global standard on the rise According to the latest report by the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF), around 67,000 new LEIs […]

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