Integration of LEI in business processes and technology

22 juillet 2024

The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) number is essential for companies looking to optimise their business processes and technology. This article looks at how organisations can integrate LEIs into their existing systems and processes, the benefits of integrating LEIs into ERP systems and financial software, and best practices and technology solutions.

Effective integration of LEIs into existing systems

There are several ways to integrate LEI numbers into existing systems and processes. Companies can customise their enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and other business software to account for LEI numbers when capturing and processing business data. This can be done by extending existing data fields or implementing new modules specifically designed to manage LEI numbers.

Implementation of specialised LEI modules

Implementing new modules designed explicitly for LEI number management is an efficient way to ensure that LEI data is handled correctly and consistently. These modules can be integrated into various business areas, such as financial accounting, supply chain, and customer relationship management (CRM).

Such a module could include functions such as:

1. automatic LEI validation:

The module can automatically validate LEI numbers when entered and ensure they are correct and up-to-date. This can be done via a direct interface to the global LEI database.

2. data synchronisation and updating:

Regular synchronisation of internal LEI data with the global LEI database can be performed to ensure that all LEI numbers are up to date. This prevents problems that could arise from outdated or invalid LEIs.

3. Reporting and compliance:

Specific reporting functions can be integrated to fulfil supervisory authorities’ requirements. These features allow organisations to generate detailed reports on their LEI data and usage, facilitating regulatory compliance.

4. seamless process integration:

The module can be configured to interact seamlessly with other business processes. For example, LEI numbers can be automatically inserted when creating contracts, invoices or other important documents.

5. usability and training:

Modules should be designed to be user-friendly to minimise the administrative burden. In addition, employees should be provided comprehensive training to ensure that they are familiar with the new functions and can use them effectively.

By implementing such specialised modules, companies can ensure that they take full advantage of LEI numbers while making their processes more efficient and compliant.

Benefits of LEI integration in ERP and financial software

Integrating LEI numbers into ERP systems and financial software offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it improves the transparency and traceability of business transactions, as each legal entity can be uniquely identified. This facilitates compliance with regulatory requirements and reduces the risk of fraud and errors.

Secondly, using LEI numbers enables more efficient collaboration between companies and financial institutions. Standardised identification of business partners means that transactions can be processed faster and more reliably, leading to improved efficiency and cost savings.

Best practices and technological solutions

When integrating LEI numbers, companies should observe a few best practices. First, it is important to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the existing systems and processes to identify possible adaptation requirements. Suitable technological solutions should then be selected to enable seamless integration.

A proven technological solution is API interfaces (Application Programming Interfaces), which enable direct communication between the systems and the LEI database. This allows LEI numbers to be automatically validated and updated, significantly reducing the administrative burden.

Another best practice is training employees who are entrusted with administering LEI numbers. To ensure a smooth implementation, they should be familiar with the relevant regulations and the technical aspects of the integration.

Conclusion: Efficiency and compliance through LEI integration

Integrating LEI numbers into business processes and technologies offers companies numerous benefits, including improved transparency, efficiency and compliance. By considering best practices and using suitable technological solutions, companies can ensure successful implementation and optimise their business processes.