
LEI number: A crucial tool for the regulation of crypto assets

18 május 2023

Amidst the turmoil caused by the collapse of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, Stephan Wolf, CEO of GLEIF, highlights the crucial role of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) in regulating crypto assets. The discussion about the need for a more robust regulatory framework for digital asset trading is strongly reminiscent of the calls for more transparency made […]

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India’s economy on the rise: The role of the LEI in modernising trade infrastructure

6 április 2023

The rapid growth of identity and digital trust technologies is transforming global commerce. According to a recent study by IDC, 79% of digitally mature organisations worldwide will prioritise trust programmes in 2023 to close security gaps and strengthen data protection. This change is crucial not only in Western countries but also in emerging markets such […]

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Indian SMEs on the path to global recognition through LEI registration

30 március 2023

In March 2022, a significant step towards promoting financial inclusion of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in India was taken when the first Indian company took the role of Validation Agent in the Global LEI System. A year later, we see how this new role enables greater financial inclusion for SMEs across India. Background to […]

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Data quality management and its importance for the Indian market

27 február 2023

Trust in business partners is essential in a globalised economy where the number of legal entities conducting transactions is constantly increasing. The availability of accurate and transparent corporate data is crucial, especially in India, an emerging market with a rapidly growing economy. LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) plays a central role in this. This article highlights […]

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The LEI: A cornerstone for a transparent and efficient global trade ecosystem

18 október 2022

In an increasingly globalised world, creating an inclusive and efficient trading ecosystem is of central importance. A critical factor in achieving this goal is the introduction of universal identifiers such as the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). Enno-Burghard Weitzel, Senior Vice President for Strategy, Digitalisation, and Business Development at Surecomp, explains how the LEI improves operational […]

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Global solutions for corporate identity: GLEIF and the role of the LEI

7 szeptember 2022

GLEIF is committed to revolutionising the management of corporate identities worldwide. This is reflected in its new brand identity and mission to give every organisation a global identity. Challenges and opportunities of digital transformation Companies today need to digitise their processes to remain competitive. Both public and private organisations are accelerating the digitalisation of processes, […]

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GLEIF and PharmaLedger: advancing digital health solutions

12 július 2022

In a pioneering collaboration, the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) and PharmaLedger have begun using verifiable Legal Entity Identifiers (LEI) to support blockchain-based healthcare solutions. This collaboration aims to demonstrate the potential of LEIs to create digital trust in healthcare and beyond. The role of digitalisation in the healthcare sector A study by McKinsey […]

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India in focus: LEI mandates as a growth driver for SMEs

27 május 2022

The increased use of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) in India opens new doors for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in global trade and finance. The LEI, a unique identifier for businesses, is gaining traction by promoting trust and transparency in international transactions. For the first time, this opens up far-reaching opportunities for Indian SMEs […]

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